Oral Presentation ARA-NSW 2019 - 41st Annual NSW Branch Meeting


John Van Der Kallen 1
  1. Doctors for the Environment Australia, Georgetown, NSW, Australia

 On September 3rd, 2019 the AMA declare a climate emergency (1). This follows in the footsteps of over 50 other medical organisations including Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA) and over 500 jurisdictions around the world calling for immediate and urgent action on climate change.


There is no doubt that human activities are causing global warming which is resulting in drought, intense hurricanes, rising sea levels, food and water shortages as well as a host of other effects which will cause death and destruction to the world’s population and the environment on which we depend.


So, why in the face of such obvious outcomes, are we still continuing to burn fossil fuels with gay abandon? Are we so addicted to fossil fuels (and our way of life) that we are unable to change? Even if it means the end of the human race?


The “emergency declaration” by the AMA is just the next step in trying to make changes to our dependency on fossil fuels. Unfortunately our elected politicians are unable to make the changes necessary. It is going to take a groundswell of advocacy from EVERYONE to make the necessary changes. Those on the board of the AMA have understood this and consequently they have declared a “climate emergency”.


The good news is that the solutions to our predicament are also good for our health. Reducing air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels will reduce the 3000 deaths per year from air pollution in Australia. Facilitating active transport will improve fitness and reduce obesity. Switching to a vegetable based diet will reduce the risk of cancers and cardiovascular disease as well as reducing carbon emissions. Switching to renewable energy will provide long term jobs and reduce emissions.


Now is the time for everyone to take this seriously and start making some personal changes. The question is, when will you join the “extinction rebellion” (2)?